I want to:
Let’s make that happen.
Choose your next step:
You are here because you’re ready to grow.
Maybe you’re a professional looking to develop or enhance your skills mastering Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Or maybe you are here to transform your own life so that you can live by your core values and hand-to-heart purpose.
I have more than a decade of experience teaching Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to professionals and empowering individuals to step into fierce and fabulous living using the exact same tools.
Whether you are on a path of professional or personal growth, I am here to support you on your journey. I myself have walked both paths and so can you.
Let’s do this!
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I’m a clinical psychologist, author, public speaker and peer reviewed Acceptance and Commitment Therapy trainer. I teach the specific, effective and actionable skills for authentically creating mighty, meaningful and lasting change in people’s lives.
Living your purpose takes some real effort and is not for the faint of heart. It requires listening for that delicate whisper and heeding the urgent inner calling that directs you, often in the most inconvenient directions. Passionately Striving in Why is a triumphant collection of contributions from 25 women from around the world including Rikke Kjelgaard.
Well then, you’ve (thankfully!) come to the right place! I teach mental health practitioners how to master Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, so you can help your clients move closer to the life they want to live.
Well then, you’ve (thankfully!) come to the right place! I teach mental health practitioners how to master Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, so you can help your clients move closer to the life they want to live.
Choose your next step:
I am a licensed psychologist, author, speaker, podcast host and peer-reviewed ACT trainer. I help passionate practitioners like you create significant and meaningful changes for those you help.
Jeg har et minikursus, som giver dig 4 konkrete teknikker til at håndtere og være i den svære samtale med din klient. Skal du med? Kurset koster dig ikke en eneste krone. Kun din e-mail adresse.
ACT er en evidensbaseret, adfærdsterapeutisk metode, som passer for dig, der har samtalen som redskab. For mange behandlere er ACT desuden blevet langt mere end en model: det er blevet en måde at være i verden på. Her gives der slip på kampen, og der gøres plads til svære oplevelser. Opmærksomheden rettes mod nuet, der udøves medfølelse overfor sig selv og for andre, og der tages hele tiden skridt i retning af det liv, man ønsker at leve.
Let’s do this!
[Kun din e-mail adresse]
“Det er den bedste ACT-bog jeg nogensinde har læst” siger én læser. En anden kalder den “oustanding”. Bogen er skrevet til samtaleledere, som ønsker at tage sine samtaler til det næste niveau. Her lærer du hele fundamentet i ACT, samt hvordan man laver ACT i praksis.
Ready to elevate your skills and become a chief change-maker for those you serve? Then I’m your wingwoman! You have what it takes, and I look forward to helping you shine. Let’s grow!
Ready to elevate your skills and become a chief change-maker for those you serve? Then I’m your wingwoman! You have what it takes, and I look forward to helping you shine. Let’s grow!
Transform your practice with tips & tricks about Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for compassionate practitioners aiming for impactful change.
© Rikke Kjelgaard