tilmeldingen åbner

24. august kl. 9:00


tilmeldingen lukker

31. januar kl. 20:00



training mentoring community exercises inspiration demonstrations worksheets metaphors supervision ressources tips & tricks

with Rikke Kjelgaard




Rikke Kjelgaard

ACT practitioner's academy

The membership that provides you with the tools and support to create profound and lasting change for your clients using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Salget er lukket i denne omgang, og jeg har nu travlt med at forkæle mine højtærede medlemmer

Could this be you, precious?

You want to deepen your knowledge of ACT and are eager to be inspired by exercises, metaphors, and strategies that work.

You miss having an ACT expert to mentor you and provide ongoing support that truly makes a difference.

Guess what? You’ve come to exactly the right place!

Rikke Kjelgaard

I've got you!

My name is Rikke Kjelgaard, and I’m an expert in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

I’m a licensed psychologist, author, podcast host and peer reviewed ACT trainer.

I help passionate practitioners like you create profound and meaningful transformations for the people you work with.

Your growth is my passion

Do you dream of continuously improving, discovering new nuances, gaining fresh inspiration, and building more confidence as a practitioner?

Could you use guidance on your cases and inspiration on how to move forward?

My hand to heart mission is helping practitioners like you achieve outstanding success in your changemaking sessions.

ACT practitioner's academy

The resource hub for practitioners seeking ongoing ACT inspiration, support, and guidance - integrated seamlessly into your everyday life.

When you’re part of the academy, you get:


No strings attached. You’re welcome to stay for as long as you want.

Instant access to everything you need to make a lasting difference for your clients using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

ACT practitioner's academy

Like Netflix for practitioners who are passionate about transforming the lives of their clients.

Inside the academy, you’ll gain immediate access to over 60 lessons, accompanying materials, and real demonstrations—all designed to help you become proficient in enhancing the quality of life for those you work with.

ACT practitioner's academy

Enhance your skills with bite-sized inspiration, practical demonstrations, and opportunities for support and feedback from me, all accessible through a portal that regularly features new content.

Here’s a selection of all that awaits you:

As a (highly valued!) member of the ACT practitioner's academy, you’ll also receive these delightful bonuses



Setting the intention: exploring the hexaflex

326 ACT practitioner questions

Never run out of questions again. This treasure chest gives you conversation starters and questions that fosters each of the six core processes of psychological flexibility.

Value: € 49

Samtaler som forandrer

Som medlem af ACT akademiet tilbydes du et gratis eksemplar af Rikke Kjelgaards bog for behandlere.

VÆRDI: 360,-


Vidunderlige Værdikort

Når du investerer i ACT akademiet sender jeg dig desuden et sæt kort og giver dig øjeblikkelig adgang til minikurset “Vidunderlige Værdikort” som lærer dig at bruge værdikortene både individuelt og i grupper.

VÆRDI: 199,- + moms



Kursusdag med Rikke

Som en ekstra gave til dig der tegner årsabonnement, inviteres du til en kursus- og netværksdag i København med Rikke Kjelgaard. Dagen vil have fokus på tekniktræning i mindre grupper samt undervisning af yours truly.

værdi: 3000,- + moms

Workshop: CFT with Paul Gilbert

Many ACT enthusiasts want to learn more about how to use compassion as a therapeutic tool. Here’s your chance. As an extra gift to you who sign up for an annual membership, you’ll get instant access to the recordings of a two day CFT workshop with professor Paul Gilbert.

Value: € 699


tilmeldingen åbner

24. august kl. 09:00


tilmeldingen lukker

31. januar kl. 20:00


Are you ready?

Enhance your skills—month after month

monthly membership

Pay for one month at a time

€ 49 per month

€ 34 per month


no binding

monthly membership

Pay for one year at a time

€ 588 per year

€ 408 per year


no binding

No binding. Take what you need.

You can easily cancel your membership at any time.

There is no binding agreement.

We will not refund what you’ve already paid, so if you’re not sure if the ACT practitioner’s academy is for you, then start with one months access.

I don’t collect buyers. I collect happy, satisfied customers who feels like they get 100% value for their money.

Russ Harris

Rikke is a powerhouse in the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy community

An excellent therapist and trainer, she has mastered the art of giving practical, engaging, fun, life-changing workshops. Whether you want to learn ACT from scratch, or take your skills to the next level, you’ve come to the right person.

Russ Harris

Doctor, therapist, and author of several world-renowned bestselling books on ACT. Also: a rock star!

Rikke understands ACT in its bones, in its DNA

I have taught assorted courses for Rikke since 2007. Over that time , I have watched her evolution as a psychologist with deep respect. She has crafted a program of instruction in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for mental health professionals that is of unparalleled quality. This would not have been possible were it not for her deep understanding of the treatment. She understands ACT in its bones, in its DNA, all the while grounded in real world clinical work. That stretch from theory to the classroom to the clinic is exceedingly rare. I do not know Danish or Swedish, but I do know Rikke. In my estimation, she is a voice to be trusted in the translation of theory to practice.

Kelly Wilson

Co-founder of ACT. Also: a rock star!

Kirk Strosahl

Rikkes grasp of the ACT model and her appreciation of its’ close connection to behavior analytic science is second to none

Rikke is an internationally respected ACT clinician and trainer. Her grasp of the ACT model and her appreciation of its’ close connection to behavior analytic science is second to none. More importantly, Rikke uses her cross disciplinary knowledge to generate keen clinical insights and highly effective clinical interventions. Her approach to ACT is bold, straightforward and easy to grasp.

Kirk Strosahl

Co-founder of ACT. Also: a rock star!

tilmeldingen åbner

24. august kl. 09:00


tilmeldingen lukker

31. januar kl. 20:00


Here we grow 🚀

Enhance your skills—month after month​

monthly membership

Pay for one month at a time

€ 49 per month

€ 34 per month


no binding

monthly membership

Pay for one year at a time

€ 588 per year

€ 408 per year


no binding

I know you’re busy every day giving your all to those you help. You deserve to have someone give back to you.

ACT practitioner's academy

Who is the ACT practitioner's academy right for?

The academy is created with a hand to heart mission to offer continuous training, community and support for practitioners who might feel alone and in need of support, growth and momentum.

We're a perfect fit if:

Enhance your skills with bite-sized inspiration, practical demonstrations, and opportunities for support and feedback from me, all accessible through a portal that regularly features new content.

the time is now!

If you’re ready to start your ACT journey to mastery and success, I’m holding out my hand waiting for you to grab on.

You deserve to grow your skills & life.

And I can help you with that.

Hvordan ser der ud inde i akademiet?

You've got questions? Yay! 🥳 We've got answers

The ACT practitioner’s academy is an online training community for therapists, coaches, educators, and other practitioners with a passion for Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

We plan to open one or two times a year. Make sure to get on the VIP waitlist and we’ll let you know when the doors are open.

The ACT practitioner’s academy is a great fit for professionals who are interested in contextual behavioral  therapies.

Maybe you’ve attended an ACT course and want more.

Maybe you’ve heard about ACT and want to dip your toes before diving into a larger course.

Maybe you feel alone and long for a community of likeminded peers offering mutual support and guidance.

Or maybe you want continuous support and consultation by someone who’s an expert in ACT.

The monthly trainings are delivered the second Tuesday of the month. They are pre-recorded trainings that you can watch whenever it suits your schedule and needs.

All trainings are released inside of an online training hub.

Every month we celebrate Feedback Friday.

Basically this means, that once a month I spend my Friday answering your questions.

You’ll receive an answer in writing, as an audio file or as a video file.

If you’ve signed up for an annual membership you get access to the recordings of a two-day workshop with Paul Gilbert on CFT. This workshop has already taken place, and you can watch the recordings in your own pace.

You can access the hub and all its’ materials for as long as you’re a member of the academy.

Follow this guide >>

Easy peasy.

We don’t refund any payments you’ve already made and you can leave anytime you wish to.


I offer scholarships for passionate ACT practitioners from LAMIC countries.

You can apply for a scholarship here >>

Contact us

Still have questions?

I love connecting with you and answering your burning questions about the ACT practitioner’s academy. 

Here we grow 🚀